Carpool -- office@carpoolweb.com
Bailey's (Ballston) -- bross@fhrg.com
Whitlow's -- whitlows@whitlows.com
Dr. Dremo's -- drdremo@msn.com
O'Sullivan's -- osullivansirishpub@gmail.com
Continental -- continental@modernpoollounge.com
Eleventh -- http://www.eleventhstreetlounge.com/contact.php
Mister Days -- http://www.misterdays.com/contact/feedback.html
Clarendon Grill & Front Page -- no email
If I get any responses, I'll post them here. You can also comment on the ban (and Virginia's lack of a ban) at Backfence and DCist.
Here's a list of restaurants in Arlington that have already voluntarily gone smoke-free! Thanks to the Arlington Civic Federation for maintaining it.
Miles - I know personalized letters are always the best, but perhaps you can post your e-mail to the various bars here to give the rest of us an example?
Here's my email to Continental, I just basically changed the name and a detail or two for each bar ...
Continental has been one of my favorite bars ever since I first moved to Arlington, but with DC's smoking ban taking effect, I'm going to be much more willing to make the schlep into DC in 2007. Yes, I'm aware of the irony of being so concerned about lung cancer from second-hand smoke while I'm killing my liver and brain cells with alcohol. But when my clothes end up smelling like smoke, there are also dry cleaning bills to consider.
I know lots of Arlington restaurants have voluntarily gone smoke-free ...
... but there aren't many nightspots on the list. Any chance you'll be going smoke-free anytime soon?
Miles Grant
Thanks - very helpful.
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