Right now, our RPS system is a patchwork of state initiatives.
Fellow ACE board member Lisa pointed me to an article on the Investor Network on Climate Risk's list of the 10 companies not doing enough to stop climate change. Guess who's on the list?
Dominion Resources
The coalition says the Richmond, Va.-based provider of electricity and natural gas hasn't disclosed the effects any future climate change regulation would have on its bottom line, despite requests from the Investor Network.
A Dominion spokesman declined comment.
As hybrid vehicles become more common, Gristmill points out a bizarre but growing problem ... they're too quiet.
And in Florida, "A well-intentioned attempt in 1972 to create what was touted as the world's largest artificial reef made of tires has become an ecological disaster." Read more.
Mandated Renewal Energy Standards take a complicated problem and make it more complex. We do not want to put our government, led by a bunch of technology ignorant lawyers, and put it in the business of picking future technologies. All that would do is create a situation rife for graft, corruption and a huge waste of money.
If you really think it is bad idea to burn fossil fuels, then advocate a tax on the burning of fossil fuels. Put this tax on a schedule to rise ten percent a year for the next five year for the next five years and watch what happens.
Too simple? Why is that a problem?
Tom, I'm with you on that. I would LOVE a fossil fuel tax or a carbon tax. But if you use the word "tax" Republicans run in terror, and Democrats cower in fear of being called tax-and-spend liberals. Great political system we got, ain't it? Reward demagoging, penalize bold solutions.
We get the leadership we deserve. If we want better leaders, we each have to be a better person.
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