Friday, September 7, 2007

Cut Your Power Bill in 45 Seconds

The Arlington Virginia Network (AVN) has posted a series of segments featuring Professor Robert Farr to the AVN YouTube page. Below is one of the best ones, featuring tips on how to cut your power bill. However, I must give you this warning -- I've had the Professor Farr jingle stuck in my head all day:

I've already installed power strips, helping
cut my power bill 10%. And just recently, I went one step further environmentally, buying renewable energy.

The Professor Farr segments are all worth watching, partly for the environmental tips, but mostly for the campy humor. It's vaguely reminiscent of the
Jim "The Hammer" Shapiro commercials that kept us entertained back in my college days in Syracuse.

Cross-posted from What's Up Arlington

1 comment:

  1. d'oh!

    I googled AVN and came up with something... not specifically about Arlington.

    maybe Arlington could reconsider that .
