Thursday, July 17, 2008

Now That's an Excessive Package: Netroots Nation Schwag Bag

Product: Netroots Nation registration bag

Approximate weight: 5 pounds

Percent suitable for recycling
: 80

Most recyclable item
: Salsa-flavored tortilla chips from Wired for Change (already eaten)

Most interesting item
: Condom from Center for Constitutional Rights

Item most prone to waste
: Small t-shirt from, which if I wasn't a damn dirty hippie
would go right in the trash, but since I'm a treehugger I'll follow the instructions to go to the booth to trade in the shirt for my proper size

Full credit for coining term "Schwag Bag"
: Meghan from

The Green Miles' level of disappointment Netroots Nation didn't do anything at all to make their Schwag Bag less wasteful/more sustainable
: 100 percent


  1. I hope you'll keep your YES! Magazine. :-)

  2. Of course, it's in my pile of reading for the flight home!

  3. Cool to hear. By the way, you probably know, YES! is printed on 100% post-consumer waste paper. Let me know if you'd like a complimentary journalist subscription, and if you'd like to be on my regular email advisory list - sgleason(at) Enjoy the conference!

  4. Hi Ken. Your schwag bag analysis is infinitely wiser than ours. Yes, it is a lot of junk. Well done! I will start reading you all the time now.

    but seriously don't use that CCR condom it's so terrifying!
