Just kidding! LOL! And also ROTFL! The Green Miles is only pulling your leg. They actually eat insects -- up to 20,000 pounds of them a night (more on the bats & their bridge here).
I hear they're quite a sight when they emerge from under the bridge each evening, so I'm going to check them out Friday night while I'm here in Austin for Netroots Nation. The Four Seasons lounge apparently has a great view, even offering a Batini cocktail, which is allegedly "the official drink of Austin."
The Four Seasons concierge desk keeps track of when the bats come out and estimates Friday's show will take place around 8-8:15pm. If you're at Netroots and want to join us, email me!
this sounds super cool. Did you get a chance to see them?
I hope you got a good show of the bats!
It was a pleasure to meet you in Austin at the reception for Glenn Nye. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll have to give you a shout if I wind up in Virginia Beach in September...
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