Monday, September 8, 2008

"Nice Planet You're Leaving Me!"

Over at, they've dug up a Calvin & Hobbes from 1987 about global warming. Do you think Calvin could've guessed that we'd be sitting here 21 years later with a federal government, Congress and President that still have done nothing to address climate change? From the cynic's point of view, do you think short-term gratification-centered Calvin would have done anything to change his long-term behavior?


  1. Perhaps I'm not cynical enough, but it seems like even Calvin was ready to change his behavior based upon what he had just learned. The potential disappearance of the polar ice caps may have been just what he needed to hear. If only real people, supposed leaders, actually reacted in the same way!

    This comic could have been written today - how completely depressing that it was written 21 years ago and we have done virtually nothing.

  2. Funny, I just reread that exact comic last night and was stunned by how little progress we've made over the years.
    OK, not so surprised at all. I liked what HRC said yesterday: "Choosing a Republican to clean up this mess is like asking the iceberg to save the Titanic."
    So, if Deputy Dawg and Caribou Barbie win we can look forward to another 4 years of destruction.

  3. red sox fan and green. you're super cool :)

    thanks for adding me to your blogroll!

