In any case, check out EcoDrivingUSA.com. Particularly valuable are the eco-driving tips and maintenance practices. My favorite so far is eco-driving tip #5, which answers the AC vs. open windows debate in the most interesting way I've seen yet:
Use Air Conditioning at Higher Speeds
Air conditioning can reduce mileage significantly, by as much as 20%. In fact, your air conditioner can consume up to one gallon of gas per tank to cool the vehicle. But driving with your windows open can produce aerodynamic drag, which reduces fuel economy. What's a driver to do? When driving at slower speeds (less than 40 mph), such as driving in urban areas, open windows are better. At higher speeds (over 40 mph), open windows use more fuel than the air conditioner, so close the windows and turn on the air conditioner. Another good idea is to take advantage of the "recycle inside air" feature. The air that is already cooled in the car is reused by the air conditioning system, instead of drawing hot air from the outside to be cooled.
Are there any tips they miss?
These are great tips! I wanted to add a tip with regards to rolling in traffic: downshift! Most drivers of automatics don't think about it, but if you are moving along really slowly, keep your car in 1st or 2nd (depending on speed). If you've never driven a stick, listen to your engine revs, but you can estimate 1st until about 15 mph, then 2nd until 30mph or so. This should help with the rolling along and minimize stops.
hmm, interesting. For some reason I always thought cruise control USED more gas...but there you go.
Is this list a standard one that gets passed around? Cause Mini-cooper's got almost the exact the same tips on the Carfunfootprint.com site. The only one they had that eco didn't is a note about using pro car washers vs. doing it at home:
"Taking your car to a commercial car wash can actually be better for the environment than washing at home. Several commercial car washes use recycled water, and on average can use less than half the water than washing at home."
Very interesting. I should tell that to my neighbor. He washes his car in the driveway and gets toxic cleaner all over my side lawn...
Hey- great to see you are getting coverage for your commitment to environmental issues!!!
I compiled some hypermiling resources a little while back. I quoted a number of different sources with a lot of the same main tips but a few other ones as well: http://local-warming.blogspot.com/2008/07/hypermiling-tips-to-save-gas-mpg-and.html
any of you familiar with airplanes:
open windows = AIR BRAKES
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