What's next? Forecast highs for Saturday & Sunday here in the DC area: 101 & 101. With yet another chance of strong storms each night.
And it's not even July yet.
To borrow a phrase from Nuke LaLoosh in Bull Durham, this is global warming announcing its presence with authority. We've spent the last 100+ years digging fossil fuels out of the ground and burning them as quickly as we can. We've added unfathomable amounts of energy to Earth's atmosphere in the blink of a geological eye.
Yet instead of acting at the first serious warnings of crisis back in 1988, we've spent another generation burning carbon-based fuels faster than ever. We've sat & listened to the CEO of Exxon Mobil ask if global warming will really be so bad - but now that it's here in full force, can we really comprehend how bad it might really be?
NBC4 Meteorologist Doug Kammerer explains how global warming is adding fuel to the atmospheric fire we've witnessed today:
Learn more about how global warming is causing extreme weather.
1 comment:
The primary source of GHG is fossil fuel burning electrical generating facilities. http://dingo.care2.com/pictures/causes/uploads/2012/01/GHG-emitters-2010.jpg
7 Billion humans generate vast quantities of excrement. I believe this excrement is capable of providing all human electrical demands. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiolysis
Right now hydrogen is perceived as a negative by product, of Nuclear Energy, when it should be the product, as the Pentagon has considered. reference info Request for Information (RFI) on Deployable Reactor Technologies ... DARPA-SN-10-37@darpa.mil
Large scale conversions sites are intended to replace fossil fuel powered electrical facilities the Primary Source of Carbon Emissions.
In what officials now say was a mistaken strategy to reduce the waste's volume, organic chemicals were added years ago which were being bombarded by radiation fields, resulting in unwanted hydrogen. The hydrogen was then emitted in huge releases that official studies call burps, causing "waste-bergs," chunks of waste floating on the surface, to roll over.
Dennis Baker
106-998 Creston Avenue
Penticton BC V2A1P9
cell phone 250-462-3796
Phone / Fax 778-476-2633
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