Saturday, November 30, 2013

If You Avoided The Mall Yesterday, You Won Black Friday

Black Friday shopping - Lemur style!Once again, a small but fanatical portion of the American population has gone nuts on Black Friday, and thanks to the internet we have a supercut video of all the most abhorrent capitalism gone wild. What's most insane: Black Friday isn't necessarily a good deal!

I wonder if stores are starting to ask themselves if hyping DOORBUSTER TRAMPLE YOUR KID'S THIRD GRADE TEACHER FOR A DIGITAL CAMERA THAT WILL BE OBSOLETE BY FEBRUARY RAGING BLOODBATH OF FURY DEALS is scaring off more customers than it's attracting. I actually had a few non-holiday items I needed to buy yesterday, but put it off until the weekend because I'd rather be forced to listen to Kanye West talk politics for an hour than go anywhere near a mall on Black Friday.

Call me a socialist for even raising the question, but ... maybe you'd enjoy the holidays a bit more by ordering a few key presents online & giving everybody else a bottle of local wine?

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