Thursday, January 11, 2007

One-Click Tree Planting

It takes a lot to get me to post twice in one day (OK, sometimes it takes a lot to get me to post twice in one week), but I just got an email from Citibank and wanted to pass it along.

They've been trying to get me to convert from paper statements to electronic statements for a while, but haven't offered much incentive, so I haven't bothered. But they've launched a new program -- for every person who converts to electronic statements, they'll plant one tree. (If you care about the details, they'll actually make a donation to the National Arbor Day Foundation towards the planting of one tree.)

If you're interested, there are also organizations like Green Dimes that say they'll cut down on your junkmail, helping avert wasted paper.

1 comment:

  1. They should plant a tree each month for each statement they don't have to mail you, but I guess that is asking a bit much. It would be nice to think they were interested in saving the environment as opposed to cutting their printing and postage costs. C'est la vie if we get a few more trees planted.
