Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Daily Show on Cape Wind

UPDATE: Cape Wind has been approved! Congratulations to the clean energy activists who've been working for years to make this happen & to the Obama administration for making the right call.

I first posted this when it aired waaaay back in 2007. Doesn't seem like that long ago, but it was before The Daily Show had its own fancy-schmancy video site. The YouTube version of this clip has since been removed, but considering we're expecting a final decision on Cape Wind today, I thought I'd dig up the fancy-schmancied archive clip from The Daily Show's site & re-post it.

As Jason Jones reports, there's only one reason Cape Wind wasn't approved long ago -- because the people who live nearby are really, really rich:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Jason Jones 180 - Nantucket
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party


  1. It's amazing how upset these people are about windmills that can barely be seen. I mean, do they get pissed off anytime a boat can be seen on the horizon? Or how about kids on the beach building non-licensed sand castles? If the government can take over land and buildings by eminent domain for the public good you would think renewable energy would be good enough to support. Once again, the Daily Show does an excellent job of pointing out the obvious that somehow is controversial.

  2. GREAT video. what an excellent reminder of how spoiled this country is, and how flawed our logic is. i love the last line in the video! i missed that episode of the daily show... thanks for posting this!

  3. hilarious!

    a classic example of NIMBY -

    Not In My Back Yard

    especially interesting how few nantucket residents are opposed, hopefully they will push it through...

    i for one think windmills are beautiful.
