Sunday, December 30, 2007

Quick Tips for a Green New Year's Eve

UPDATE: The Curious Grape tells me they have a few selections of champagne and sparkling wine grown with organic grapes.

Looking to go out for New Year's? Check out the
Party with a Purpose at Mexicali Blues in Clarendon. It's sponsored by Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment and to benefit EarthEcho International and

Staying home for New Year's? Pop the cork at midnight on a bottle of organic champagne!
Treehugger has reviews of eight different selections of champagne and sparkling wine. I couldn't find any organic champagne at Harris Teeter, but call The Curious Grape or Whole Foods to see what they have to offer.

Even the Times Square celebration is getting greener, switching to LED lights for the New Year's Eve ball. Despite being smaller and only using as much energy as 10 toasters, the new LEDs will be twice as bright as the old bulbs and can create more than 16 million colors.

1 comment:

  1. I wondered why they had changed the New Year's ball at Times Square, but now I know! Thanks!
