Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Solar-Powered Beer: Greener Than Organic?

I stopped by the vaunted Wall of Beer at Westover Market over the weekend to stock up the fridge. One of the six-packs I grabbed was the Winter Solstice Ale from California's Anderson Valley Brewing.

It wasn't until I got it off the rack that I noticed a little sun on the cap reading "
Solar Powered Brewery":
(February 6, 2006 - Boonville CA) After a final inspection by PG&E, we were at last able to put the finishing touch on our $860,000 state-of-the-art photovoltaic project - Throwing the switch and making our own juice (the electric kind). Yep! We're finally up and running, and those 768 beautiful solar panels (almost 12,160 square feet of them) are creating enough juice to cut the brewery's entire electrical bill almost in half! Now whenever you savor a Boonville Beer, you can savor the fact that you're drinking a solar powered beer and helping protect the environment.
Treehugger said it best: "We don't need another reason to feel good while drinking beer, but we approve of this project nonetheless."

What's the most environmentally-friendly type of beer? Let's quickly review three basic categories:

  • Local -- Beer that didn't guzzle gas in a truck before it arrived in your 'hood so you could guzzle it out of your mug. Examples (for DC residents): Dominion (brewed in Ashburn, VA), Shenandoah (brewed in Alexandria, VA).

  • Low-Carbon -- Breweries that reduce their carbon footprints through steps like renewable energy and green buildings. Examples: Anderson Valley, New Belgium.

  • Organic -- Beer brewed with hops and malt grown without the use of chemicals or genetic modification. Examples: Wolaver, Peak.
So which is the best? I don't mean this to sound like a dodge (because, let's face it, it is), but if you're drinking a beer that fits into any of the three categories above, you're ahead of 99% of your fellow beer drinkers, minimizing the environmental impact of your night out. Have another one for me.

One last thing to keep in mind -- if you're out and about, draft beer is generally greener than bottled beer. While pint glasses and kegs get re-used, most bars and restaurants don't recycle bottles (or anything else, for that matter).


  1. Have I ever mentioned how sometimes I think you have the BEST topics ever???

    I'll leave the determination of which is the greenest beer to you, but will happily sample many varieties of both solar and organic beer if you think it will help your research. I'm hoping to expand my research to traditional green beer on St. Paddy's day.

  2. I second that: BEST TOPIC EVER!!!!

    Maybe we can develop a green score for beer consumed in the DC Metro Area :)

  3. Thanks for the support, guys! Please feel free to email the post around to friends using the little envelope icon or through social networking sites like Facebook/StumbleUpon/Digg.

    And if you really like this topic, you have to check out Beer Activist!

  4. Two things.

    1) My go-to beer is Yuengling b/c I consider it "local." I just google-mapped it and a bottle of Shenandoah has to travel 6.5 miles to get to me, a bottle of Dominion has to travel 38 miles to get to me and Yuengling has to travel 179 miles. I guess "local" might be pushing it (although as a rule, I try to stay away from all things named Dominion).

    And 2) My friends from college actually started Peak Organic and they're sending someone to DC to increase its distribution in the area. Peak Organic is about to be sold in a lot more stores near you. Yay!

  5. Anne, I love having Peak at Harris Teeter, but any idea if Peak will be available in bars? Organic beer in bars is the last frontier ...

  6. It is available in some bars now. Poste near the Spy Museum has it and I bet more there are more that I don't know about. I think that's what this rep is coming to DC to do, though, make sure it's offered in a lot more stores and bars.

  7. One of Lagunitas' motto's is "Think globally, drink locally"
