Friday, March 14, 2008

Ask The Green Miles: Can You Recycle Corks?

From reader VA Breeze:
Do you know anywhere in Southeastern VA that recycles cork-Thanks!
Generally my reply would go something like this: Don't sweat the small stuff. I'd much rather you spend the time it takes to recycle corks (or other small hard-to-recycle items like yogurt cups) doing something much more effective, like planting trees or telling your member of Congress to support climate action.

But thanks to The Green Girlfriend, I have an actual, non-obtuse answer to this question! For Christmas, she got me the Living Green Page-a-Day Calendar. It reveals that Yemm & Hart, a company that finds innovative uses for recycled products, is soliciting wine bottle corks. The corks are being converted into coasters, clipboards, and flooring, with cork contributors eligible for discounts on the finished products. All the details are on the Yemm & Hart website!

Got an environmental question? Ask The Green Miles!


  1. So what can one do to recycle yogurt containers? BTW, the company terracyle ( uses them, but I'm not sure if there is a local location to donate. They have some very cool sounding products, but also hard to find. Home Depot only has 2 of them and that is all I have found.

  2. Are wine bottle stoppers, the next gen of 'corks' recyclable?
