Thursday, October 2, 2008

Request for Green Costume Ideas

The Green Miles is going to the Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment Hallowgreen 30th anniversary gala on October 23rd. They're having an environmental costume contest. What should I go as? Only constraints - must cost less than $100 total, must not require buying lots of junk I'd never use again, must take one hour or less of work to put together. Any suggestions?


  1. Go as a dirty streaker with no deoderant or aerosols used on the body. Let it show!


    You could be Greenzo. A lot of people watch 30 Rock and would know who you were. I can totally see it.

  3. Go as Clean Coal. Just wear a t-shirt that says "I don't exist".

    Or you can save up all your toilet paper and paper towel rolls and cover a shirt with them and call yourself The Internet. Actually I like that one.

  4. I was leaning towards a plug-in hybrid, involving an extension cord somehow--although that might get heavy after awhile...

    Maybe bring back Captain Planet?

  5. I just saw this and am in the same boat! Just found out I'm going and have no time to be creative! I promise not to steal too many ideas you get ;-) Haha.
