Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sarah Palin, Global Warming Denier Cover Girl

Don't believe any administration could be worse for wildlife and our climate than Bush-Cheney?

Check out the latest edition of "Environment & Climate News" from the Heartland Institute, a leading oil industry front group for global warming denial. There's a smiling Sarah Palin on the cover, superimposed over a pair of threatened polar bears.

With the backing of Big Oil and its allies, Palin has led Alaska's fight against protecting the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act. Remarkably, Palin thinks the Bush administration has been too liberal in recognizing the threat of global warming and acting to protect the bears.

As the Center for Biological Diversity's Kassie Siegel has said, "The amazing thing about this litigation is that the governor of Alaska is so anti-environmental that she is suing the Bush administration over a claimed overabundance of protections for the polar bear. It's just amazing."

The next time someone tries to tell you McCain and Obama are nearly the same on environmental issues, here's all the evidence you need to prove them wrong: Global warming deniers can't wait to have Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency. The people
at the Heartland Institute who've dedicated their lives to fighting science know their gal when they see her.


  1. I saw a Defenders of Wildlife anti-Palin commercial yesterday. Living in a swing state, I don't really pay attention to the political commercials but this one caught my eye because it specifically targeted the polar bear/global warming issue. It was the first time I saw any ad related to global warming this whole election.

  2. Maybe we should stage a run on polar bear adoption through Defenders in "honor" of Palin!

    Palin's stance on polar bears and wildlife in relation to big oil foreshadows how she might treat humans when faced with the same "dilemma." To have someone so close to the presidency who thinks nothing of effectively killing living creatures for oil and money is beyond frightening.

    Lauren, I can't believe you haven't seen more commercials out there about this issue. (In CA we are really only seeing the ads for state props, but nothing new about that.) Why aren't environmental groups being more vocal? Particularly with economic issues all around us, people need to be reminded about other major factors at stake in the election.

    TGM, viral video about this topic?
