Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Look at Proposed Cuts to Arlington's Environmental Services

Just got this email from Elenor Hodges, executive director of Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment:
I am sure you know that the Arlington County Board is facing a lot of hard decisions, including budgetary constraints. Some of you may have received information that the County Manager's proposed budget includes closing Gulf Branch Nature Center and cuts to the County's invasive removal program.

Some people have asked for information on the budget timeline and how to comment:

- The February 21 meeting will include a presentation of the proposed budget by Ron Carlee ( or telephone 703-228-3120).

- Interested members of the public may comment on the proposed budget at the Tuesday, March 24 County Board Public Budget Hearing or via email at

- The budget will be finalized at the April 29 County Board meeting.

Visit the Arlington County web site for additional information and updates on the FY 2010 County Budget process.
I'm watching Carlee unveil his budget right now on Comcast channel 74. Considering the overall cuts under discussion, including 100 staff positions, cutting services and eliminating Planet Arlington and the Neighborhood Day parade, it doesn't seem unreasonable to ask the environmental community to give something back as well. As long as Gulf Branch park remains open, closing a less-utilized nature center seems unfortunate but not draconian.

What do you think? Did Carlee's proposed budget do a good job of protecting important environmental programs? Any other cuts that you'd object to?


  1. See my blog post at:

  2. Hell NO!

    we could have eliminated the trout stocking program -
    we could reduce the mowing schedule much more-
    we could have cut the currently vacant urban forester position (1 of 3, i think) especially since the number of permits requiring processing are down -
    we could have done any of the dozen things C&I staff suggested to cut costs or raise revenue -

    but instead the county has chosen to gut its invasive plant control program and close one of its nature centers. And the really upsetting part is the 'impact statements'and the 'fact sheet' PRCR is producing. They're incredibly flawed, where not techically impossible..

    for example.. the claim that GBNC needs 260,000 worth of work comes from adding together the projected, 'escalated' cost estimates done a few years ago - and almost all that work has already been done, at non-escalated costs. AND the biggest item in those costs is off by an order of magnitude. its a new fire alarm panel - the contractor had already given an estimate of 15-20,000, but it's listed at 150,000. AAARGH.
    I could go thru point by point..
    BUT the main point is that there is no way Potomac Overlook can absorb 2 additional staff members and then offer GB's 4-500 programs in addition to what they are already doing.

    i'll have to rant about the invasive program another time, this is already getting long..
