Thursday, March 21, 2013

GOP Congressman: "Best Thing About the Earth" is Drilling It

Not sustaining life and providing food and water and shelter. Fossil fuels.

Statements like this reveal how incredibly insular the world of Congressmen can be. Do you think Rep. Stockman spends more time talking to sportsmen? To parents? To students? Or to oil & gas lobbyists?

1 comment:

  1. Scientifically-illiterate, tea party brown-nosing politicians and pundits such as Santorum, Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Stockman, and other Bible-thumping anti-environmentalists believe that to rape and pillage the planet of its natural resources is "God's will".

    Many of the most outspoken proponents of the "Drill, baby, drill" mindset are also paid lackeys of lobbyists working for greedy, self-serving fossil fuel industry heads such as the Koch brothers.

    So why does it shock people that these climate change-denying politicos don't give a crap if wildlife goes extinct, the ice caps melt, the coastlines become coated in crude oil, the air becomes unbreathable and the water undrinkable? If the fossil fuel industries rake in record profits, then it's all good.

    And you can drill, "frack", and pump to your heart's content until our nation's landscape resembles swiss cheese, and you won't make a significant dent in our current or future petroleum needs nor gasoline prices at the pump, despite what the greed-motivated oil industry and their paid-for politicians would like you to believe. Time to think outside the box, folks.

    Investment in the research and development of green, renewable energy technologies and improving the efficiency of energy usage will be a much more productive use of our time and money than holding prayer meetings or providing huge subsidies and tax breaks to the fossil fuel industries.

    And in the meantime, we need agencies such as the EPA, NOAA, and FEMA to deal with the impact of the reckless activities of the petroleum and coal industries on the health, safety, and welfare of the American people as well as long and short-term consequences to the global environment.
