Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Marco Rubio's Climate Science Denialism in One Sentence

G.O.P. Rivals Question Rubio’s Ignorance CredentialsThe need for government intervention to solve a huge failure of the free market is incompatible with my political ideology, therefore I refuse to accept that man-made carbon pollution is destroying our climate.

That's what Marco Rubio is trying to get at through his repeated scientific flubbery.

UPDATE 5/15: No, Rubio inventing his own theory about how the climate has always been changing and whatever's going on isn't his polluting funders' fault is not acknowledging climate change.

It's not just that 97% of climate scientists agree that the climate is changing. 97% of climate scientists agree that the climate is changing AND it's being fueled by man-made pollution of carbon and other greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse effect denial is still climate science denial.

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