UPDATE #2: The Washington Post reports on Ikea's plastic bag fee.
One side effect of global warming's mainstream acceptance is that more businesses are realizing there's money to be made by going green.
A DC radio station is following the trend, with WARW re-branding itself as "94.7 The Globe." Their website lists their green principles, but has no details on either what the station is doing or what listeners can do to help the environment. They're hyping the Bonnaroo music festival as a green event, but so far, the concert's website has exactly as many details as 94.7's (zero).
Fortunately, Raw Fisher is on the case. Marc reports the station put out a statement on what it will be doing on the green front, including "Using renewable energy to supply power to the station's 50,000 watt signal and using hybrid station vehicles. ... Station appearances will ... provide listeners with information on environmental leadership and energy conservation; WARW will also host events encouraging recycling, tree planting and use of green products."
I'm going to hold back judgement on The Globe until I see how they put their principles into action. Will they host a local public affairs show dedicated to environmental issues? Will they donate money and airtime to local environmental organizations? Will they print promotional items on recycled material? The devil, as always, is in the details.Over at NBC4, Wendy Rieger is making a much more personal statement about the environment. She's been presenting a "Going Green" series of reports since 2005. She's now expanded that to include a blog, "The Green Room." It's fantastic to see such a well-known news anchor lending her name and expertise to the cause of environmentalism.
My favorite tidbit from The Green Room so far comes from Wendy's most recent trip to Ireland:
You don't automatically get a bag for your groceries in the stores here; you either bring your own or have to buy a bag at 2-cents each. I've often carried my roll of paper towels and box of tea home under my arm not because I didn't want to buy a bag, but the question "do you need a bag" gives one pause long enough to realize that bagging such paltry items just seemed wrong. There is clearly much more Irish eco-info to impart but I'm afraid you'll grow weary and in desperation start begging me to elaborate on the Shannon Airport breakfast bar.
Very good point. Here in the U.S., the question isn't even asked -- you get a bag whether you want it or not. I hate it when I run to CVS to grab a greeting card and the cashier sticks it in a bag. Is it really that unwieldy that I need something to carry it in? Bigger grocery stores allow you to return your bags, but why use so many of them in the first place?
According to fellow blogger the Green Wombat, Ikea just announced it will start charging for plastic bags. Do you think we should consider lobbying more stores to start charging for bags here in the U.S.?
The Green Room blog doesn't allow comments, but you can email Wendy with feedback and story ideas!
I think consumers in America would feel gipped if they were charged for bags - "paper or plastic?" is part of the shopping experience. It would be great if grocery stores would offer a discount for shoppers who bring their own bags. I mean, if grocery stores don't transfer the cost of their bags to shoppers (well maybe they do somehow that I'm not aware of) it would be nice for consumers to see a 1% discount on their groceries from using their own bag. Or if you bring bags back for recycling you get a coupon for the discount.
On a total side note, my organization claimed that all old buildings are inherently "green" because they don't require new building, materials and energy. Your thoughts Green Miles?
I am student doing a segment about going green in the metro area. I've read some of your entries and would like to know if you would be interested in coming on our show to do an interview. Please let me know, you can e-mail me at lg2007@gwu.edu
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