But yesterday I was surfing around the site and noticed they have a new category of rewards -- "Eco-Friendly" products. They range from solar backpacks to carbon offsets to compact fluorescent light bulbs.

Separately, I bought myself some reusable batteries and did the same for The Green Mom when I bought her a new digital camera for her birthday. All this was prompted by my shock and awe when I tried to buy four AA batteries for my camera while in California recently. Every place I looked was asking $4, but four rechargeable batteries with a charger is only about $20 -- and those are allegedly good for hundreds of charges. In this case, I'm doing the right thing for the environment by coincidence -- my financial interests and my climate consumerism are one and the same.
A-ha! Magnetic induction - that is totally what I was thinking of when I told you I wanted to build a treadmill and stationary bike to power the whole house. It can be done!
You sound like Doc Brown ... 1.21 gigawatts!!!
Doc Brown wanted to see the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I want to get my exercise and power my television at the same time. Genius!
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