Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Foods Are Worth Buying Organic?

Climate advocacy hasn't made me rich as fast as Rick Perry promised it would, so I need to shop green on a budget and practical advice is hugely valuable. What's worth buying the organic version of? What's not? (Answer: Kraft Organic Process Cheese Loaf.)

Wake Up World has a rundown of 7 foods worth spending a little extra on to get the most nutrition and avoid unwanted extras like pesticides, weed killers and artificial hormones. It's a good one to bookmark for future reference, along with the New York Times' 5 "strategic" organic foods. Two foods on both lists: Milk and potatoes.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely fresh fruits and veggies, beef also.
    Why should we go to the expense of Organic Foods?

    For years studies have shown that in cultures where the diet consists of natural fruits and
    vegetables, making it high in both carbohydrates and fiber, a number of diseases that
    afflict North Americans simply don't exist.

    Initially, this natural food's history began with fresh vegetables.
