Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Metro's Storm Performance: So Far, So Good

Metro seemed to be handling the storm well this morning, with delays only on the Red Line. It helps that pressure on the system was eased by the federal government's two hour delay, spreading commutes over a much broader time frame than usual. And hopefully the new de-icing equipment also played a role.

There were some problems yesterday when the federal government (and the rest of DC that follows the feds' lead) let out early while Metro was still on early afternoon schedule. I'm not sure if that's the feds' fault for not telling Metro, or Metro's fault for not reacting sooner. Anyone know?

How was your commute? Any problems? Should we give Metro credit for not letting the storm paralyze the system?


Anonymous said...

We should have the federal government start two hours late everyday. My blue line metro ride into work this morning at my normal, 8am time, was lovely. I didn't feel like a sardine nor did I dread being squished against the wall by some creepy old guy who seemed like he was enjoying it too much. In fact, I could actually choose where I wanted to stand, or even sit. Someone coordinated enough could have done cartwheels down the aisle.

Eric said...

I was impressed by how many people were riding buses - my normally empty buses were full -- maybe people can realize that riding the bus really is a relatively easy, viable transportation alternative