Monday, September 29, 2008
Ask The Green Miles: McCain vs. Obama on the Environment
The Green Miles Talks Energy Legislation on CleanSkies.TV
UPDATE 7/15/2009: has launched and the video is now embeddable:
Simple Tips for Cutting Your Car's Carbon Footprint

In any case, check out Particularly valuable are the eco-driving tips and maintenance practices. My favorite so far is eco-driving tip #5, which answers the AC vs. open windows debate in the most interesting way I've seen yet:
Use Air Conditioning at Higher Speeds
Air conditioning can reduce mileage significantly, by as much as 20%. In fact, your air conditioner can consume up to one gallon of gas per tank to cool the vehicle. But driving with your windows open can produce aerodynamic drag, which reduces fuel economy. What's a driver to do? When driving at slower speeds (less than 40 mph), such as driving in urban areas, open windows are better. At higher speeds (over 40 mph), open windows use more fuel than the air conditioner, so close the windows and turn on the air conditioner. Another good idea is to take advantage of the "recycle inside air" feature. The air that is already cooled in the car is reused by the air conditioning system, instead of drawing hot air from the outside to be cooled.
Are there any tips they miss?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Better Living Through Chemistry
I'm reminded of all this because the American Chemistry Council is celebrating 100 years of clean drinking water:
All Aboard for Organics on Amtrak
It was also nice that the cafe car server accepted my reusable mug. The last time I took an Amtrak train, the server refused to take my mug, saying, "I don't want my bosses to accuse me of stealing." I guess he wanted to make sure he gave out a paper cup for every cup of coffee sold?
My reusable mug also came in handy at Amtrak's tiny water dispensers. The only way to get water out of them is by filling miniature paper cones that hold about one gulp of water. So kept refilling the cone and dumping the water into my mug, it saved me quite a few trips to the water dispenser.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Riding Rails, Saving Cash, Easing Headaches

I deliberately planned the trip to minimize cost and maximize convenience. I'm taking the Acela to Boston's Back Bay Station, which is walking distance from my hotel, which is walking distance from Fenway Park. This weekend I'll be staying with my dad in Quincy, MA, on an MBTA bus route that runs at least twice an hour, much more during peak times. So instead of spending $125 for three days of a compact rental car ... plus gas ... plus parking ... I'll spend $20 on fares via a Charlie Card, the T's version of a Metro card.

Sure, the train takes a bit longer. But I have my laptop and wireless card and I'm getting work done. I'm enjoying the great views of the Atlantic coast. And I'm avoiding having to deal with airport security and cramming my items into a quart-sized Ziploc bag and squeezing my 6-foot self into a seat made for someone 5-10 or under and the labyrinthine Escape from Logan. What kind of a price tag can we put on those savings?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
TGM 2B on TV
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Coming Soon to a Bar Near You: Peak Organic on Draft

Already flowing in DC at: Rocket Bar, Tryst, Open City, Wonderland Ballroom, J. Paul's, Hook, Oceanaire, Les Halles, Cafe Saint Ex, Busboys, Ulah Bistro, The Reef, Kramerbooks, if you know any of those spots. Let me know if you would like it served at a particular spot or think it would do well, I will certainly try to get it on tap anywhere I can. Super tasty on draft, not sure if you have tried it.What other places in Arlington would you like to see organic beer on tap?
Please request Peak anywhere you drink/dine. It really makes a huge difference when customers put in a good word.
Monday, September 22, 2008
World Carfree Day 2008 Hits a Snag on the Orange Line
It wasn't such a great World Carfree Day 2008 on the Orange Line this morning. As I was waiting at Ballston to catch a train out to West Falls Church, I noticed the other side of the platform was much more crowded than usual with people waiting for a train into DC.
Sure enough, when I got to work, several friends instant messaged me to say that a broken down train between Rosslyn and Foggy Bottom had slowed their commute into DC by as much as 40 minutes.
Can we finally give Metro the dedicated funding it needs to keep the system in working order?
Kaine Looking to Cut a Deal on Smoking?
Now, as 2008 winds down and we move closer to the last General Assembly session of Tim Kaine's governorship, this issue is back. Unfortunately, this time around, I'm hearing that Kaine is going to push for a half-measure that's worse than doing nothing at all: no smoking in restaurants, but only before 10 pm. After that, you can light 'em up! What I'm hearing is that Health and Human Services Secretary Marilyn Tavenner is currently pushing for this utterly ridiculous approach, despite vehement opposition from public health advocates.I'd rather put up a full ban and lose than have some half-measure like this. With even places like Clarendon Grill voluntarily going smoke-free, the pressure is on smoking ban opponents to defend their continued blind allegiance to Big Tobacco.
Why is Gov. Kaine, who's been excellent this issue, going this route? Sadly, what I'm hearing is that Kaine has decided that getting something is better than nothing on this issue. One source puts it this way: "This is as weak and mealy mouthed as you can get, but Tim Kaine wants to be able to say he accomplished something on this, because he certainly hasn't yet." The problem is that if this completely inadequate legislation goes through, it will most likely mean no REAL action on a comprehensive smoking ban in Virginia for many, many years. Essentially, the politicians will be able to pat themselves on the back and say, "hey, we accomplished something!" Except that they really won't have; I mean, what's the point if everyone can start smoking again after 10 pm? Stupid.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday: World Carfree Day 2008
The Green Miles will be taking a Metro rail then bus out to work in Reston tomorrow. Takes a little longer, but saves money on gas, lets me catch up on reading, and saves me a big headache battling traffic on I66 and the Dulles Toll Road.
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Beer That's Local AND Organic?
I caught this in's recent interview with the Beer Activist, asking Chris O'Brien about his favorite local brews:
The production breweries in the area are great, too. Currently, I’m excited about the Oxford Organic Raspberry Wheat from Clipper City.So I was excited to see Oxford Organic Raspberry Wheat on tap at Clarendon's Boulevard Woodgrill:

Boulevard Woodgrill always has a great selection of beer, but the real mecca of organic beer in Arlington is Busboys & Poets. They have Clipper City, Peak, Stonemill and Wolaver -- and they're half price on their Wednesday organic beer happy hour.
If you're looking for organic beer when you're out in Arlington, stop by Lost Dog Cafe, which has several organic and plenty of local options, or Tallula's EatBar, which has Samuel Smith Organic Lager (although it's way overpriced at $11.50 a bottle). Ted's Montana Grill used to have organic beer, but I don't think I saw it on the menu last time I was there. Any others in Arlington I'm missing?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
GM Exec Denies Global Warming, Disses Own Car
UPDATE: Here's the video. Note to Bob for future reference - if you're going to greenwash, it's best not to come right out and deny the scientific consensus on global warming with a made-up number of people who believe in a kooky denial scheme. Kind of undercuts your alleged green credentials.
We Want More Efficient Cars. Does Detroit Get It?
If you're a YouTube user, you can subscribe to my videos here.
And if you like the shirt, head over to
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Video: Protesting Dominion in Wise County
In addition, check out the schedule for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network's Wise Energy Tour in Northern Virginia.
Monday, September 15, 2008
If Democrats Won't Green Their Events, Who Will?
This note from Not Larry Sabato's Twitter feed caught my eye:
No recycling at Mark Warner Pig Roast.Whenever I see Ben, the blogger who writes Not Larry Sabato, he never fails to rub it in The Green Miles' face that he has a smaller carbon footprint than I do. (I have to carpool to an office out in Reston two days a week while Ben doesn't even own a car. Although I wonder how many flights a year he takes? We may need to do a The Green Miles vs. Not Larry Sabato carbon weigh-in. Where was I?) Anyway, I'm not surprised Ben was watching out for a green faux pas.
I saw some half-hearted eco-efforts myself at the Arlington Democrats Chili Cookoff on Labor Day. There was recycling and several of the cooks prepared vegetarian chili or used locally-grown ingredients. But there were also plastic forks, styrofoam bowls and napkins and fliers not made out of recycled material. Eco-friendly alternatives are available at just about every grocery store in the DC area these days, so there's no excuse for not buying green.

I don't want to sound like a nattering nabob of negativism. National Democrats certainly broke new ground on holding a sustainable event with their extensive efforts to green the Democratic National Convention. And if we're going to pass legislation to slow climate change and make America more energy independent next year, it's Democrats like Mark Warner who are going to make it happen.
But here's the thing -- consumers don't change habits easily. They need to be shown that going green is both important and hassle-free (which is one of the reasons I started this here blog). Every time you bust out the bottled water, you're sending uncertain consumers a subtle message this all that green stuff is just a fad -- it's OK to fall back into those old habits at the first sign of possible inconvenience.
The bottom line is, if you're going to talk the talk on going green, you have to walk the walk. If Democrats won't take every reasonable step to green their events, who will?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Connecting the Dots: Global Warming & Stronger Hurricanes
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Big Three to DC: Save Us From Our Mistakes

But as Steven Pearlstein writes in the Washington Post, it's a different story when they need a bailout. The Big Three automakers aren't simply asking for government help -- they think they're entitled to it:
Even before top industry executives arrive in Washington later this month to lobby for their program, General Motors' vice chairman, Robert Lutz, who never misses an opportunity to put his foot in his mouth, was telling reporters in Chicago last week that the industry "deserves" government loans because of all the challenges that have been inflicted upon it. In fact, it's hard to imagine an industry less deserving of government help.
Here are three companies that for decades failed to produce cars that were well designed, well produced and exciting to look at, that fought tooth and nail against efforts to require greater fuel efficiency and, until recently, did too little to bring wages, benefits and retiree costs in line with competitive realities. And while they whined for years that it was unfair trade that put them at a disadvantage, Toyota, Honda, BMW and other foreign transplants came along to prove that it is possible to produce quality cars at affordable prices in U.S. factories while offering decent wages and benefits.
Pearlstein goes on to say that even though the Big Three couldn't be less deserving of help, they should get it anyway because the jobs and pensions of hundreds of thousands of Americans are at stake.
I agree with Pearlstein that we need to do what we can to make sure workers and retirees aren't punished for the mistakes of auto industry executives. But the utter incompetence of those executives is just breathtaking, isn't it? They staked the industry's entire future on never-ending cheap gas. Did any reasonable person ever think $2 a gallon gas was a permanent fixture?
Expensive petroleum is here to stay. The only way alternative is to use less petroleum with more fuel efficient cars, plug-in hybrids, and eventually fully electric cars. Cheaper driving, cleaner air, less global warming pollution, and secure American jobs.
So what's taking us so long to get there?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What's Your Favorite Arlington Green Business?

Who will be the nominee from The Green Miles? This year, seems like an easy choice -- enviroCAB. But I'd certainly love to hear about a business that's even greener!
What do you think? Make your case for Arlington's best green business in the comments.
Monday, September 8, 2008
"Nice Planet You're Leaving Me!"
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Tropical Storm Hanna Comes and Goes
Friday, September 5, 2008
More Oil Runoff Problems at Metro's Ballston Bus Lot

The only oil collection method in that corner are some curb-high white tubes. I sent the above picture to Metro asking what they were doing to reduce the oil runoff but never heard back, so I sent the picture to Arlington's Department of Environmental Services.
Magically, the next day the corner looked like this:

Worst miracle ever:

Metro's feeling seems to be that since the bus lot will shut down anyway in March to make way for a major redevelopment of the block, it's content with what it considers stopgap measures. But as the continuing oil runoff problems show, that gap ain't gettin' stopped. It's up to Arlington DES to decide if and how the problem should be addressed.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Watering the Pavement

It's a waste of water, sure. But really, my critique here is an economic one, not an environmental one. Is it really worth paying someone to spend an hour doing this every morning? Or any morning?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Big Oil Gets Behind McCain's VP on Polar Bear Lawsuit

The American Petroleum Institute and four other business groups filed suit Thursday against Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director H. Dale Hall, joining Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's administration in trying to reverse the listing of the polar bear as a threatened species.The other groups involved in the latest lawsuit are the National Association of Manufacturers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Mining Association and the American Iron and Steel Institute. Just despicable.
As a leading advocate of polar bear protection points out, Gov. Palin's stance puts her to the far right of even President Bush:
Kassie Siegel, climate program director for the Center for Biological Diversity, which originally petitioned to list the polar bear as an endangered species in 2005, decried the assertion in the Alaska suit that science does not prove polar bear populations are declining. The center is also suing the federal government, seeking to change the polar bear's official status from "threatened" to "endangered."If you liked the Bush administration's war on science, you'll love Sarah Palin!
"The amazing thing about this litigation is that the governor of Alaska is so anti-environmental that she is suing the Bush administration over a claimed overabundance of protections for the polar bear," Siegel said. "It's just amazing."