Sunday, May 31, 2009
Scene from the Sidewalk: Mini Lion

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Size Matters: Standing Firm Against I66 Expansion
It's important for Arlington's leaders to take a strong stand. Heavy pressure to capitulate comes from representatives of places like Fairfax and Prince William, both in Richmond and on Capitol Hill, who don't much care about more pollution in Arlington or a wider I66 crowding out adjacent trails -- those problems will impact Arlington, not them.
That's why in my run for House of Delegates, I'm being crystal clear about my position on I66. If the delegate from the 47th district won't stand up for Arlington, who will?
It's become a major issue in the Democratic primary race:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Remembering an Arlington Environmental Leader

The Denver Post details Erik's commitment to environmental protection:
Bluemel's research interests included environmental federalism, climate governance, international administrative law and environmental rights, said Chase Squires, spokesman for the University of Denver. [...]The University of California Alumni Club is hosting a memorial gathering for Erik tonight from 6-9pm at Sign of the Whale (1825 M Street NW), all are welcome to attend.
He served as a staff attorney and teaching fellow at the Georgetown University Law Center's Institute for Public Representation, where he represented dozens of national and local groups on administrative, environmental and public-land issues.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Protesters Arrested Outside Rep. Boucher's Office
Any minute now, the House Energy & Commerce Committee is expected to pass the American American Clean Energy & Security Act (HR 2454), also known as Waxman-Markey.
Earlier today, 15 protesters were arrested outside the office of Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA), who's been working to weaken the bill. Grist has more on the protest:
“It’s really a statement about Boucher and the leadership he has assumed in gutting the bill and giving billions of dollars to polluters,” CCAN communications director Anne Havemann told Grist after the protest.
Boucher has been very open throughout the process about his talks with coal companies about the bill. “In the course of conducting other negotiations, I have had continued conversations with coal companies, both locally and nationally, including the chief executive officers of CONSOL ... which operates the largest mine in Southwest Virginia, and Michael Quillen, the chief executive officer of Alpha, which is our region’s largest coal producer,” Boucher said recently. “I have been in discussions with Mike Morris, the chief executive officer of AEP, and Tom Ferrell, who is chief executive officer of Dominion, which is Virginia’s largest electricity supplier.”
But Boucher hasn’t made himself quite so accessible to foes of coal, prompting the sit-in today. “He doesn’t meet with groups like us,” said Havemann. “We’ve tried for months.”
Wouldn't it be nice if Rep. Boucher could join the fight for a clean energy future and green jobs instead of protecting the dirty coal industry and its rapidly dwindling number of mining jobs?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Rep. Moran: Responsibility to Act on Global Warming
Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) joined the event, with Rep. Moran delivering an especially forceful call to action:
Monday, May 18, 2009
Video: Miles Grant on Virginia's Energy Policies
Friday, May 15, 2009
Scene from the Sidewalk: Ballston Birds
When I knocked on the door, I was less interested in pitching my campaign than I was in hearing about the yard. Were the ducks regular neighborhood nesters?
"They nested last year, but the eggs didn't hatch," the homeowner told me. "I think it was their first time. She didn't seem to have the hang of it yet."

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sunday: Grand Re-Opening at Potomac Overlook
Join the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority on Sunday, May 17, 1:30-3:30 p.m. for the grand re-opening of the Potomac Overlook Nature Center in Arlington, VA. The renovated nature center features the “Energerium” – a new exhibit on energy in living systems, including human systems. This exhibit examines nature through the lens of energy, drawing attention to the central role that energy plays in our lives. The afternoon will also feature tours of the renovated facility and lots of fun activities for all ages, including live music, a juggler, games, door prizes and more.The Green Miles' suggested Sunday itinerary -- go to Taste of Arlington in Ballston at noon (wearing your MG09 organic cotton t-shirt, of course), then go to Potomac Overlook at 1:30pm to walk off the calories.
MG09 Signs Rated Tops Among Keen Observers

Our signs got some nice recognition over at Blue Virginia:
I got an email about the quality (not quantity) of the signs from a ... let's call him a keen observer of Arlington Democratic politics.If you live in Arlington and would like an MG09 yard sign, email us!
Ranked by ease of visibility and clearness in telling us who the candidate is:
1. Miles Grant
2. Alan Howze
3. Andres Tobar
4. Adam Parkhomenko
5. Patrick Hope
Monday, May 11, 2009
Seed Paper: Fail
Nearly nine months is more than enough time to render a verdict. Not a single sprout:

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Method Man

But I've been able to solve at least part of the problem by switching to Method's concentrated detergent. The container is small enough to carry. Plus, I get the benefits of Method's natural cleaners:
Coconut oil soap, a concentrated blend of naturally derived and biodegradable surfactants, and active cleaning enzymes provide the non-toxic cleaning power. the triple concentrate provides a nice eco-innovation: by taking out most of the water, this product saves packaging plastic and shipping energy, not to mention all that water. (oops, we mentioned it.)More details on laundry detergent from Grist's Ask Umbra:
The No. 1 ingredient to avoid is the surfactant nonylphenol ethoxylate. NPE breaks down into NP (nonylphenol, please don't make me spell it any more), an endocrine disruptor (and estrogen mimic) that has been seen to affect male fishes. Since detergent goes out in household wastewater, and NPEs are quite difficult to remove during sewage treatment, we should avoid putting NPE into the water in the first place.And as Treehugger recommends, wash your laundry in cold water whenever you can.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Exclusive Video: Inside the MG09 War Room
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco de Mayo Green Dilemma: The Lime in Your Beer Bottle
Scene from the Sidewalk: Green Home in Westover

Friday, May 1, 2009
Something Tells Me I Won't Get This Endorsement
It's from the National Right to Work Committee, which spends millions of dollars every year on anti-union activities. Most recently, it made headlines for trashing President Obama's Labor Secretary nominee, Hilda Solis.
Given that I'm pro-union, somehow I don't think I'll be getting this endorsement: